
sexta-feira, 23 de maio de 2014

My Dearest

My favourite movies are still those we watched together.

3 comentários:

David Redfrost disse...

Who are you? I'm sorry I don't speak Portuguese. I was watching "Night Train to Lisbon" and heard the phrase "Intimacy is the last sanctuary" and was struck by it. Then I googled it and your FB then blog came up. What a connection!! Sychronicity? I like your MUSE video. Are you young? If you were to see me, I would look like Jeremy Irons.

D. disse...

Hello David,

I appreciate your visit and your comment, but I don't answer questions about me.

David Redfrost disse...

I understand. I have been reading some of your posts. They are sad. It's none of my business, but I think you should forget about this person you seem to have lost. Maybe move on as best you can. I have no right to say any of this, but I thoroughly understand your angst- because I have been there myself and wrote many pages about it. In the end, the sand in the hourglass washed it all away, sorta. Now there are just dreams.